All products manufactured by Politex NN JSC are certified depending on the specifics of its further application by various Certification Autorities (Certification Center CJSC, Composite-test, Register of Certification on the Federal Railway Transport) involving the Testing Laboratories that possess not only the most advanced equipment, but and having extensive experience in carrying out the necessary tests.
Polymer Temporary Protective Plugs (Thread Protectors) are critical item within the purchased product range for TMK Group Affiliates. In this regard, the representatives of Research Institute of the Tube & Pipe Industries (RosNITI OJSC), as TMK Group Affiliates, conducted the qualification audit of Politex-NN JSC. Since 2011, Politex-NN JSC is included in the "Register of TMK Group Affiliate Approved Puppliers" and, based on the last audit results continues to remain withn it until now.